Photo of the Day – Badami, Bhoothanatha Temple

There is so much beauty in this world! A photographer’s job is already half complete by just being at the right place at the right time. Of course, one has to work on the right compositions, lighting and perspective to complete the other half of the job.

Bhoothanatha Temple, Badami

Bhoothanatha Temple, Badami

When I was on a Darter Photography Tour to Badami last year, we were indeed at the right place but we had to wait for the right time to come. I had scheduled the Tour of Badami during the monsoon months for multiple reasons. First, the weather is great and the earth is green all around. Next, whenever it rains, a waterfall suddenly makes an appearance behind Bhoothanatha Temple for a brief period. The volume of water drops quickly after the rains and dries out in a matter of few hours.

I was hoping for some rains during the photography tour in July last year. It was cloudy on the first day, but there was no sign of rain. On the second day afternoon, it rained hard for about half an hour and stopped completely. We headed out to the temples soon after, and this is the spectacle we got to see and photograph.

Camera Data: Canon 5D Mark II and 17-40 lens. 1/50sec at f/22 and ISO 100.

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