Darter Photography Workshops – Feedback & Testimonials

It has been more than a year since we have been doing photography workshops every month. We began in Bangalore and have recently extended the workshops to Hyderabad. We will soon be coming to a few more cities across India.

Be it our photography workshops or photography tours, one of the key things that we always keep our eyes on is the quality and feedback. We have worked long hours and spent a lot of time planning and designing the workshop content. Besides content, we are also fastidious about how we present it, how much time we spend on each section and how much hands-on practice has to go into each part. We also make sure every participant thoroughly understands each aspect that we discuss, and spend time personally assisting each one of them during the workshop.

Further, in our effort to ensure that the workshops are of the highest quality, we take regular feedback at the end of every workshop. These feedback are taken seriously and we spend time discussing every feedback we receive, and ponder if we should make updates to the workshop content based on it.

With more than a year of capturing feedback and with a good number of people responding to it, it is safe to say that we now have a general idea about what participants largely think about our photography workshops. It is also perhaps time to share these feedback and testimonials with everyone. In fact, we were overwhelmed by the positive response to our workshops and were touched by the testimonials and how well the participants appreciated our workshops. It is no wonder that people who came for the workshops continue to attend many of our programmes again and again.

Here is the summary of feedback we have received so far, collected over a year from February 2011 to February 2012 from 27 people who opted to provide feedback. Also see some testimonials from the participants at the end of this page.

Course Coverage – Overall

Course Coverage – Technical Aspects

Course Coverage – Composition

Field Trip and Image Reviews

Darter Photography Instructors

Here the feedback, in tabular form.

Course Coverage – Overall
just perfect inadequate too much no response
Comprehensiveness of the full course content 96.30% 3.70% 0% 0%
Course Coverage – Technical Aspects
perfect inadequate too much no response
The amount of time given for this section was 96.30% 0% 0% 3.70%
perfect inadequate too much no response
The course content on the technical aspects was 85.20% 11.10% 0% 3.70%
Course Coverage – Composition
perfect inadequate too much no response
The amount of time given for this section was 85.20% 11.10% 3.70% 0%
perfect inadequate too much no response
The course content for this section was 88.90% 7.40% 3.70% 0%
Field Trip and Image Reviews
Yes No no response
Did the field trip provide enough opportunities to put learnings on first day to practice? 96.30% 3.70% 0%
excellent good poor no response
Choice of location for field trip was 33.30% 66.70% 0% 0%
yes partially no no response
Were the exercises provided during the field trip helpful in putting learnings to practice? 77.80% 22.20% 0% 0%
yes partially no no response
Were the image reviews and feedbacks useful in understanding the compositions? 88.90% 11.10% 0% 0%
Darter Photography Instructors
excellent adequate insufficient no response
 Knowledge of instructors on photography 66.70% 33.30% 0% 0%
coherent insufficient inadequate no response
Communication skills of the instructors 100% 0% 0% 0%
very approachable approachable not approachable no response
Were the instructors approachable and friendly? 92.60% 7.40% 0% 0%


Below are a few testimonials on our photography workshops.

“i learnt a lot and met really talented people, who helped me with learning photography” – Vikram R, software professional

“the organizers were so patient they were so so good …..they helpd us in each and every aspect ….” – Deepak R, student

“the course was good for a beginner to get a good understanding of the concepts involved in photography.” – Sukanya R, Business Consultant

“Excellent course content, pace and attitude. Enjoyed the workshop immensely and have recommended the workshop several others at the workplace. My expectation of the workshop was not very high to be honest but I was pleasantly surprised at the amound I learnt on the first day.” — Sneha, software professional.

“Overall course structure and sequencing was very good” – Ajit P, project manager

“Loved the art aspect of photography we learnt, esp the examples. Also to be able to put things into practice in the field trip was a good idea” -Sanket N, designer

“It was really a nice experience. A more professional atmosphere. Helped me to become more perfect in my pictures.It has inspired me to take more pictures!!” – Padma H, student




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