Images from 4th Food Styling and Photography Workshop

Food Styling Workshop

Participants and mentors at the Food Styling Workshop at Lodi-TheGarden Restaurant

Our recently concluded Food Styling and Photography Workshop had an amazing response from participants from various cities in India. Though the workshop was conducted at Lodi-The Garden Restaurant in Delhi we had participants especially joining in from

  1. Chennai
  2. Pune
  3. Bengaluru
  4. Agra

Even more encouraging was to see was the range of participants in the workshop from just passed out college students to retired executives to homemakers to CEO of  global corporations joined the class. We had folks who had just bought their camera to those who already work as professional photographers joining the workshop.  So we thought of sharing some of the images that were clicked during the workshop and share them with our readers here.  We have picked images from the Instagram of the participants and you can click on their  profile to see more of their work.

Besides the images from participants here is a beautiful collage created by our Food Styling and Photography mentor Deeba Rajpal.

A bonus cum surprise feature for the workshop was that our advance portraiture and lighting workshop mentor Ravi Dhingra joined the participants and showed them how off camera flash can be used in food photography.

Ravi is conducting our next workshop in Delhi on 23rd and 24th of July, which can be checked here:

Learn From Master :  Photography Workshop on Studio Lighting and Portraiture

We also conducted a small competition where the best image clicked during the workshop receive a gift from Kitchen Aid India. As you can see the participants have all clicked great images some of which we are sharing above.We are happy to announce that Arusha Sharma is the winner for clicking the image given below.

Congratulations Arusha, please contact our photography mentor Deeba Rajpal to claim your prize.

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