Photo of the Week – Rule of Thirds

Last week, we started a Photo of the Week contest on Darter Photographers Facebook group – an exclusive group comprising of participants of Darter’s workshops and tours. The theme for the week was  Rule of Thirds – one of the cardinal rules of composition. Winners are selected on the number of Likes a photograph receives from other members of the group.


The first ever winner of the Photo of the Week is Niranjan Chandrasekhar. His beautiful composition of a blue beetle photographed in the rainforests of Agumbe has received much appreciation from the group.


Rule of Thirds - Agumbe - Niranjan Chandrasekhar

Winner of Photo of the Week (Theme: Rule of thirds) - Niranjan Chandrasekhar with his beautiful composition of a blue beetle from Agumbe


Thanks to everyone from the Darter Photographers group who participated. There have been quite a few more interesting photographs in the Rule of Thirds theme. A photo essay of some of these photographs coming up soon.

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