Photo of the Week: Theme Shadow

Congratulations Shivali Agarwal for yet another amazing composition for the theme – Shadow. Shivali is the winner of the Photo of the Week.

Theme Winner - Shadow - Shivali Agarwal

A dancing peacock, flames or a necklace?


In her words, “A dancing peacock, flames or a necklace? Light and Shadow can create effects that are a visual treat and myriad interpretations!….. this was shot with shallow DOF and focus (manually) at the lamp. This is the reason of blur mainly as far as I think. The slight motion blur would have been caused by the flickering candle in the lamp which was unavoidable because of long exposure.”

Photo of the Week is a weekly contest that runs on the Facebook Group – Darter Photographers. This interactive community comprises of photographers who’ve participated in a Darter Workshop or Tour.

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