Photo of the Day – Mirage



Early mornings and late evenings are often mentioned as the best time of the day to capture breathtaking images. However, opportunities abound throughout the day. And some opportunities are only available at mid-day.


This beautiful image was captured by Anuroop Krishnan on our Wild West tour of Kutch in December 2011. Wild Asses are now restricted to the Little Rann of Kutch, where they roam in great numbers. In the afternoon, when the Rann appears like half-desert half-ocean thanks to the mirages, the Wild Asses in the distance appear like a dream, floating on the mirage.


This image was photographed at a focal length of 400mm – one can imagine the distance at which the Wild Asses were. It has been processed in monochrome to heighten the effect of mid-day. Other properties: f/5.6, 1/3200s and ISO-160.

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